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Waste Treatment Centre - Operation Manual

Home > Organisation > Staff Training > Specific training

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Specific training

Training in topics under Specific training is performed by the Head of Treatment Facility, the Deputy Head, the Mechanic, or by external trainers from government training departments, or licensed trainers. Providers of Equipment and Software should always give training before hand over.

The training must be carried out in such a way that possible illiterate or disabled person also receives and understand.

All training must as a minimum be described in a training program with a checklist of topics to be discussed, handouts to be distributed, and questions to be asked for control and evaluation. Training posters, leaflets, and instruction to tutors may also be included. Finally the training program must include a log with chances made to the training program and a log of staff who has received the training.

External training that will formally certify participants or introduce a license must also be described and participants logged. Example of training that will lead to a certificate and license (the list is not complete: Professional Driver’s license, Crane certificate, International Welding Engineer (IWE-IWS-IWT) certificate, IT software certified training…)

Repetition of training must be carried out whenever there is changes to the procedure or introduced new equipment, or if there are other indications of need for a repetition.

All training given must be logged on the data sheet for the involved worker as well on the data sheet for each of the training program.

Below is listed topics that skilled employee, head of departments, and working foremen may need to have special knowledge and receive training. (The list is not complete and should be elaborated further.)

Administrative Procedures

Computer Training – computer and standard software

Computer Training – specific software and process operation

Operation and Maintenance of Vehicles and Equipment

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